(UAE-JAPAN Association For Youth Development and Exchange)





We are carrying out the projects as below.
1. Dispatch teachers to the Japanese Kindergarten and the Japanese School in Abu Dhabi
2. The Japan study tour for Emirati pupils and their parents
3. The support for Emirati high school students in Japan

【正会員 / Regular members】
ジャパン石油開発株式会社 / Japan Oil Development Co., Ltd. (JODCO)
コスモエネルギー開発株式会社 / Cosmo Energy Exploration & Production Co., Ltd.
株式会社コスモトレードアンドサービス / Cosmo Trade & Service Co., Ltd.
コスモエンジニアリング株式会社 / COSMO ENGINEERING CO., LTD.
アブダビ石油株式会社 / Abu Dhabi Oil Co., Ltd. (Japan)
合同石油開発株式会社 / United Petroleum Development Co., Ltd.,
JX石油開発株式会社 / JX Nippon Oil & Gas Exploration Corporation
三菱日立パワーシステムズ株式会社 / Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems, Ltd.
住友商事株式会社 / Sumitomo Corporation
三菱商事株式会社 / Mitsubishi Corporation
三井物産株式会社 / Mitsui & Co., Ltd.
丸紅株式会社 / Marubeni Corporation




Dispatch teachers to the Japanese Kindergarten and the Japanese School in Abu Dhabi





We dispatch teachers from Japan to assist and appropriately guide Emirati pupils.
There are many Emirati pupils in grades KG1 through 9.
Emirati pupils study the Japanese curriculum with Japanese pupils.

The Japan study tour for Emirati pupils and their parents



The tour provides them with an opportunity to think about Japan and their future courses.

The support for Emirati high school students in Japan




Emirati graduates from the Japanese School in Abu Dhabi continue their Japanese education at Senior High School in Japan.
We are supporting them in cooperation with the authorities concerned.
In April 2021, the first UAE students to graduate from Japanese high schools entered Japanese universities.




理事長:矢吹博英(Hirohide Yabuki)


At the Abu Dhabi Japanese School in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), as of May 1, 2024, 28 students from elementary and junior high schools and 8 students from the UAE national kindergarten are studying together with their Japanese counterparts.
This was prompted by a request from the Abu Dhabi government to the embassies of Japan, France, Germany, and China to accept UAE national children in their local schools under the initiative of UAE President Mohammed, who has been enthusiastic about the education of the people of Abu Dhabi since about 19 years ago. After extensive discussions with the embassies and other related organizations, the Abu Dhabi Japanese School decided to accept the children from the kindergarten stage, and the first two children entered the kindergarten in September 2006.
This NPO was established in 2007, mainly by Japanese companies operating in Abu Dhabi, for the main purpose of dispatching educational specialists from Japan to provide educational guidance to the children of UAE nationals studying at the Japanese school and the kindergarten attached to it. Since then, we have dispatched the necessary number of education specialists to local kindergartens and elementary schools, and currently 8 specialists are working at elementary and junior high schools and 3 specialists are working at kindergartens.
Since April 2018, most of UAE national children who graduated from the Abu Dhabi Japanese School have gone on to high school in Japan, with five currently studying at Japanese high schools. And in April 2023, high school graduates go on to Japanese universities, and five are currently studying at Japanese universities.
In addition, with a view to studying in Japan, an invitation program has been implemented since June 2014 at the behest of the Japanese government to deepen the understanding of the students and their parents regarding educational settings, living environment, traditional culture, etc. in Japan.
We would like to express our sincere gratitude to the members of this NPO, the Government of Japan, the Abu Dhabi Education and Knowledge Authority (ADEK), the Governing Board of the Japanese School, and the faculty members of the Japanese School and NPO for their efforts and support in making the co-education of UAE nationals and Japanese children a reality in Abu Dhabi.
The UAE and Japan have been building and evolving a multilayered relationship in many areas, including industrial cooperation, technological exchange, education, and culture, in line with the UAE's remarkable development in recent years, not limited to oil and natural gas development and trade. The UAE children studying in Japanese schools is in line with this trend, and this project has an important significance in nurturing human resources who will serve as bridges between the two countries in the future. We would appreciate your further understanding, cooperation, and support for the activities of this non-profit organization.




  • 小学校教員免許または中学校教員免許(国社数理)必須。
  • 小中学校での担任経験および指導経験必須(5年以上が目安)。指導経験年数が長い方、歓迎します。
  • 心身ともに健康であり、社会人・教育者として責任ある行動をとれること。
  • 文化や習慣の違いを尊重し、日本語での教科学習において理解に時間がかかるUAE国民児童・生徒に対して、学習面および生活面で根気強く指導し、誠実な対応が出来ること。
  • 教員や多数の関係者との連携が必要となるので、周囲への気遣いが出来て協調性があること。
  • アブダビ日本人学校では、UAE国民児童・生徒に対する日本語教育に力を入れています。日本語教師の有資格者および在留外国人(小中学生)への日本語支援の経験者を歓迎します。
  • 特に次の方を優遇します。
    • 大学にて日本語教育主専攻または副専攻を修了している方
    • 日本語教育能力検定試験合格者
    • 420時間以上の日本語教師養成講座を修了している方
    • 日本語指導経験者
    • 職務内容
  • アブダビ日本人学校(小学部・中学部)において、文部科学省派遣教員・学校採用教員と協力しながら、アブダビ日本人学校に在籍するUAE国民児童・生徒を日本式教育で育成する。教育・指導は日本語にて行う。
  • 文部科学省派遣教員・学校採用教員が学級(日本人児童・生徒とUAE国民児童・生徒の混合)で行う授業においては、必要に応じてUAE国民児童・生徒への学習支援を行う。
  • そのほかUAE国民児童・生徒を授業から取り出しての個別授業や学力補充のための補習授業を行う。主に小学校低学年においては日本語初期指導の完了、定着を図る。小学校高学年にかけては日本語指導と教科指導の統合を図る。中学部では日本の高校受験に耐えうる学力の定着を図る。
  • UAE国民児童・生徒の学校生活全般に関する日々の指導・管理を行う。
  • UAE国民保護者への英語での連絡・調整および学校関係配布物の英訳を行う。
  • 教務(時間割作成や成績処理)、渉外(行事運営やPTAなど他団体との連携)、庶務(物品管理や施設点検など)などの分掌業務を行う。
  • 校長の作成する学校経営方針に基づき、文部科学省派遣教員・学校採用教員との連携および調整を行いながらアブダビ日本人学校の教育活動にあたり、学校教育目標の実現に貢献する。
    • 公募時期および方法
  • 公募時期は、7月以降(イレギュラーな場合あり)になります。
  • 公募は、PARTNERの求人サイトおよびJEGSの求人サイトから実施しております。
  • その他不明点は、事務局(npouaejapan@adocjp.com)までお問い合わせください。